Writing Skills UA

受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
(3) 英専 前期 2 1 David J.Zmijewski

Second Year College Writing

Building on the progress made in the freshman year, students will learn how to write essays that contain 2-6 paragraphs. The importance of topic sentences will be reviewed and students will learn how to write direct and indirect thesis statements.

Week 1    Class and textbook Introduction. Quick write.

Week 2    Warm-up. Taking Notes

Week 3-4   Pre-writing

Week 5-6   First Draft

Week 7    Editing

Week 8-9   Peer editing

Week 10-11  Second Draft

Week 12-13  Writing Project Part I

Regular attendance class participation, submission of all homework assignments on time. Students will also be graded on all writing projects submitted.

テキスト書名 編・著者名 出版社 価格
Words in Motion David Olsher Oxford University Press  
